Cape Laboratory Equipment (Pty) Ltd Manufactures our very own 1800kN and 2000kN Concrete Compression Machines. Our Machines are Supplied Complete With An Easy To Use, Reliable Digital Control Unit with USB Interface, 100mm Cube Platen , 150mm Cube Platen , ACV Platen , Safety Limit Switches , Safety Doors, Voltage Line Stabilizer and Our Factory [Read More]

TCM-0071 Flow Cone Apparatus is used for determining the flow properties of grouts, mortars, muds and other fluid materials. 5 interchangeable nozzles can be fitted to the apparatus of 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 mm diameter. To comply with the EN 445 standard, a 10 mm dia. nozzle is used. The apparatus consists of [Read More]

The TCM-0068 Reactivity of Quicklime Apparatus is used to determine the reactivity of ground quicklime on slaking The Apparatus consists of a Dewar Flask of 1 lt. capacity, thermometer, electric stirrer, base stand and the related accessories.

There are two models of the Cement Flow Table, the TCM-0060/A conforming to ASTM and the TCM-0060/E conforming to the EN standard. Both are used for determining the consistency of mortar, lime and cement specimens. Manual and motorised models are available. The hand operated model is fitted with a hand wheel. The motor operated model [Read More]

The TCM-0058 Gillmore Apparatus is used to determine the setting time of cement hydraulic hydrometer lime and mortar. Apparatus consists of two horizontally positioned arms, carrying weighted needles, initial needle has a 2.12 mm diameter and 113 g in weight and the final needle has a 1.06 mm diameter and 453.6 g in weight.

Vicat Apparatus determines the normal consistency and time of setting of portland cements that consists of a rod weighing 300 grams, having a needle in each end, and supported in a frame with a graduated scale to measure the distance to which the needle penetrates the cement

When Portland or hydraulic cement is mixed with water, heat is generated as a result of the exothermic reaction. The heat generated by cement’s hydration raises the temperature of concrete and this temperature rise causes expansion while concrete is hardening, especially under conditions when heat can not be readily released. The TCM-0047 Heat of Hydration [Read More]

The TCM-0040 Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus is used to determine the fineness of Portland cement, limes and similar powders expressed in terms of their specific surface.

Length Comparators are used to determine the length changes on different type of cement prisms. The set consists of a length measuring frame with measuring device attached to it Length comparator TCM-0037 comes with a 0.001 mm x 12,7 mm digital dial gauge (TCM-0152) and the length comparator TCM-0038 is supplied with special 0.0001 mm [Read More]

Jolting Table is used for compacting cement specimens in 40 x 40 x 160 mm mould and consists of mould table seated on a rotating cam driven at 60 r.p.m. The falling height is 15 mm conforming to EN 196-1. The machine is equipped with a counter which provides automatic shut off at end of [Read More]